The detrimental health effects of drug abuse have been well documented in the medical literature. In addition to endangering their health though such behavior, employees who abuse drugs are violating criminal statutes, and their diminished capacity jeopardizes the safety of their co-workers and compromises the overall work of the Research Foundation when the abuse occurs during work hours.
The Foundation takes considerable pride in the work performed by its employees. While the Foundation has the greatest respect for the privacy of its employees, it must be understood that the Foundation will not tolerate any drug abuse which threatens the safety of its employees or the conduct of its business. The Foundation is determined to promote and maintain a working environment which will enable its employees to enjoy their work and perform it productively. In keeping with this commitment, the Foundation will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, as well as other applicable statutes and regulations. All employees, as a condition of accepting and continuing employment with the Foundation, agree to abide by the terms of this policy.
The Research Foundation has developed a Drug-Free Awareness Program to provide important information to its employees concerning the dangers of drug abuse. This program is the cornerstone of an ongoing educational effort to prevent drug abuse that may affect the workplace and to eliminate it if it should occur. The program is designed to inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace and the Foundation's policy concerning it, as well as the availability of treatment and counseling for those employees who seek such assistance. In addition, employees will be informed of the sanctions which the Foundation is prepared to impose for violations of this policy.
The Foundation recognizes that drug abuse is a condition which can often be successfully treated when an individual is sufficiently motivated to change his or her behavior. Consequently the Foundation will gladly assist employees who seek information concerning the availability of treatment and rehabilitation services. The Foundation encourages its employees to contact the Office of Human Resources if they suspect that they may be in need of such services. Assistance will be provided on a confidential basis, and referrals will be made to appropriate treatment programs. If such assistance is voluntarily sought, the Foundation will take no disciplinary action against an employee for drug abuse provided the Foundation receives satisfactory assurance of the employee's continued participation in or completion of an approved treatment program. The Foundation reserves the right to make any adjustments in the employee's job assignment during the course of such treatment.
Employees are strictly prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of illegal drugs or other controlled substances in the Foundation's workplace or during business hours. If any employee is under prescribed medication which affects his or her job performance, the situation must be reported to the Foundation's Human Resources Department. The Foundation may then in its sole discretion determine if the employee's job assignment should be temporarily changed during the course of any such treatment.
Any employee who is convicted of the violation of any criminal drug statute for activity which contravenes this policy must inform the Foundation of such fact within five days after such conviction.
Any employee who violates this policy of the Foundation may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination, at the sole discretion of the Foundation. Any employee convicted of the violation of any criminal drug statute for activity which contravenes this policy may be subject to similar disciplinary action. The Foundation may, in its sole discretion, require such an employee to participate satisfactorily in an appropriately licensed drug abuse or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment with the Foundation. Under such circumstances, the Foundation may in its sole discretion make any adjustments it sees fit in the employee's job assignment during the course of such treatment.