Resolved, that the Research Foundation adopt a Job Abandonment Policy, which declares that an unexplained absence of three or more days from the workplace constitutes abandonment of the job and is considered a voluntary resignation. Such a declaration may be appealed in writing, and with appropriate documentation, to the President of the Foundation, according to procedures established by the Department of Human Resources. If an employee is covered either by a Sponsor's regulations or a collective bargaining agreement which conflicts with this policy, the Sponsor regulations or the agreement will take precedent.
Explanation: The Research Foundation requires a policy which will allow it to identify those employees who are no longer in its employ, and no longer entitled to its benefits, as well as to allow speedy replacement of absent workers.
Approved by the Personnel Committee, without dissent, November 11, 1996.
The purpose of this statement is to facilitate the orderly and prompt removal of employees from the Foundation's payroll and benefits roster.
This procedure shall apply to all employees of the Research Foundation of The City University of New York (The Foundation). Where sponsoring agencies or collective bargaining agreements require different procedures for the handling of job abandonment, such procedures shall supersede those outlined herein.
The Foundation has many short-term employees working at remote work sites. It is difficult to get letters of resignation when these employees leave their jobs, often without realizing that a letter of resignation is necessary.
Job abandonment is an unexplained absence of three or more workdays from the workplace.
Appeals may be made in writing, accompanied by appropriate documentation, to the President of the Foundation.
If it is determined by the President that the employee has not abandoned the position, the employee will be returned to active status and all benefits to which s/he is entitled will be reinstated, retroactively.