Corporate Insurance

The Research Foundation maintains a variety of insurance programs that protect the Foundation at the corporate and project levels. Corporate insurance protects the structural aspects of RFCUNY. The insurance policies apply equally to all parts of the organization, protecting all RFCUNY operations and employees.

General and Excess Liability Insurance

The Commercial General Liability Insurance and Excess Liability Insurance policies provide defense and indemnification for the risks associated with operating a business. These occurrence-based policies cover RFCUNY as an institution, its sponsored projects, and all RFCUNY employees and project participants as long as they are acting within the scope of their duties. Every sponsored project administered by RFCUNY is automatically covered by its liability policies. Liability policies cover:

  • Bodily injury and property damage
  • Personal and advertising injury
  • Medical payments
  • Completed projects and services

Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy (EPL)
A claims-made policy that deals with employment cases between the employer and employee. Types of legal cases covered under EPL include:

  • Wrongful termination
  • Failure to hire or promote
  • Retaliation claims
  • Tenure-related claims
  • Discrimination
  • Breach of contract
  • Emotional distress
  • EEOC or state human rights complaints
  • Wage and hour law violations

Educators Legal Liability Insurance (ELL)
A claims-made professional liability/errors and omissions insurance, which covers RFCUNY as an organization, its personnel, and principal investigators on projects involved in training or education work. The educational settings covered by the policy include traditional classrooms (schoolchildren, college students, and adult learning), city sponsored informational or training projects, and public speakers and/or program facilitators). Claim types covered by ELL include:

  • Failure to educate
  • Injuries to students under your supervision
  • Failure to promote students or grant credit
  • Improper methods of instruction
  • Accusations of sexual or physical abuse
  • Violation of students' civil rights
  • Hiring unqualified persons

Fiduciary Responsibility Insurance

Provides claims-made coverage for RFCUNY fiduciaries (employees, board members, and trustees) entrusted with managing RFCUNY's ERISA-regulated medical and pension programs. This policy covers wrongful acts, errors, and omissions committed within the scope of one's duties. For various reasons, RFCUNY elects not to advertise this policy on its insurance certificate. If an award sponsor requires this type of coverage as a condition of its grant, a special copy may be sent.

Commercial Crime
Covers RFCUNY, its subsidiaries, and clients against employee theft of company and client property. 


Sherry McCorey

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