Faculty Travel for Grant Development Program

The Faculty Travel for Grant Development program financially supports out-of-town travel so that
CUNY researchers can further pursue the development of their grant proposals. All travel undertaken
should pertain to meetings with established proposal collaborators and/or representatives of external
funders, such as federal agency officers or private foundation program officers. Applicants should provide
evidence that an idea intended for grant funding is fully thought-out and ready for advanced planning and
discussion. Applicants must also justify in-person travel as key to grant proposal development—what can
be accomplished through in-person meetings that cannot be achieved through a phone call or
videoconference? This program does not support attendance at conferences, workshops, or presentation
engagements unrelated to the grant development purposes. In addition, this program does not support
activities relating to publications of any kind.

Additional guidelines

  • Only tenured and tenure-track faculty, or full-time researchers, are eligible to apply.
  • Awardees will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $750.
  • Eligible expenses for reimbursement include economy-class transportation, lodging, and/or meals not already provided by other institutional or special award sources. Awardees must observe the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) per-diem rates for these expenses.
  • Faculty and researchers are eligible for one award in a given fiscal year period.
  • Travel must occur within the same fiscal year as the application. Reimbursement cannot be made unless this requirement is observed, even if the application was initially approved.
  • Awardees must obtain consent to amend the approved travel dates.  Reimbursement will not be made even if the application was initially approved. 
  • Awardees must provide documentation that confirms their participation in the grant development meeting(s), as well as an accounting of expense details with receipts to validate all reimbursement claims. Reimbursement cannot be made unless this documentation is provided, even if the application was initially approved.

This program is not designed to fund the totality of travel expenses, but rather, to assist by defraying a significant portion of the costs. Awardees are also expected to explore and utilize other mechanisms to fund their trips.

Requests for reimbursement should be made promptly at the trip’s conclusion. Direct all reimbursement requests via email to Ingrid Valentin.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted using the online form below. Please answer all questions thoroughly—for
instance, include the names and institutions of relevant sponsor representatives or established proposal
collaborators; describe the grant opportunity which you intend to pursue. Applications with insufficient
detail will be returned for further clarification, delaying the travel support decision.


Ingrid Valentin
Office of Award Pre-Proposal Support

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