Page 6 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 6

e-Onboarding                               principal  investigators  to  submit  independent
        Onboarding  is  the  process  by  which  new  staff   contractor  agreements,  memoranda  of  under-
        are  added  to  the  RF’s  employee  rolls.  The  new   standing,  and  subaward  requests,  and  for  the
        electronic  system  will  eliminate  the  current   Research Foundation to process them. Ultimately,
        paper-based  onboarding  process,  automatically   with  the  second  phase,  we  will  add  other  func-
        create  the  new  hire  electronic  personnel  action   tionality for contracts and grants, as well as for the
        forms, and provide a secure means of gathering   miscellaneous agreements we process for PIs, such
        data from principal investigators and prospective   as material transfer agreements, data use agree-
        employees.  No  longer  will  there  be  a  need  to    ments, and collaborative research agreements.
        fill out numerous paper forms for everything from   Among  its  many  benefits,  Contract  Manager
        benefits selection to paycheck direct deposit.   integrates  with  the  RF’s  financial  manage-
        Nor  will  anyone  have  to  provide  the  same    ment systems. As a result, the user (ordinarily the
        basic  personal  information  multiple  times  on   PI)  is  immediately  provided  with  real-time  data
        multiple forms.                            validation, such as available account balance and
                                                   budget term of the project. Providing the PI with
        Contract Manager                           that information in real time will help identify and
        The  Contract  Manager  is  a  paperless  electronic   minimize issues at the time of request preparation.
        document  request  and  processing  system  that   The system will provide for greater transparency
        will significantly improve and streamline the way   as well, allowing the user to track the progress of
        the  RF  conducts  its  business.  The  first  phase   requests, and also creates and maintains an audit
        will create a new, and much simpler, process for   trail that provides up-to-the-minute information on

        Awards By Purpose and College 2016  (number of awards/dollar value of awards)
          Research         Training         Program Development         Equipment         Institutional Improvement         Student Support Services
          PSC-CUNY         RF-DANY
                        Baruch  55/5.9M
                       Brooklyn 83/11.7M
                         City 269/51.7M
              College of Staten Island  70/8.3M
                        Hunter 265/46.0M
                       John Jay  119/25.4M
                       Lehman 117/22.0M
                    Medgar Evers  58/12.8M
            NYC College of Technology  46/8.1M
                       Queens 100/25.6M
                         York 36/5.8M
             Borough of Manhattan C.C.  35/6.9M
                        Bronx 31/5.4M
            Guttman Community College  3/0.8M
                        Hostos 26/8.1M
                    Kingsborough 25/3.6M
                      LaGuardia 48/13.4M
                  Queensborough 27/5.1M
        Advanced Science Research Center  15/2.4M
           CUNY School of Public Health  21/2.4M                                                          40         60
                  Graduate School  104/14.7M
           Graduate School of Journalism  7/1.6M
              Macaulay Honors College  2/0.1M
                    CUNY Central  275/151.2M
                 PSC-CUNY Awards*  —/4.0M
                      RF-DANY 2/42.3M
                                    0            50            100          150           200

        * The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) research award program supports faculty research and leverages external funding.

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