Page 2 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 2

Letter from the Chairman of the Board
        and President — page 1

        Introduction — page 2
        Helping the People Who
        Change the World — page 8

        2016 Financial Statements — page 22
        Corporate Information — page 41

              A Word About Award Activity

        The  annual  report  reflects  “award  activity”  or
        gross sponsor commitments recorded in the fiscal
        year. On the other hand, the Grants and Contracts
        sections of the audited financial statements reflect
        fiscal  year  “expenses”  on  sponsored  awards.  In
        many cases, expenses are actually lower than the
        award activity. The main reason for this would be
        multi-year  awards,  which  are  recorded  in  their
        entirety  when  received  but  expended  over  mul-     Acknowledgments
        tiple  years.  The  reader  will,  therefore,  note  that   The Research Foundation wishes to
        the  figures  in  the  audited  financial  statements   thank those whose contributions led
        differ from those in the report narrative and charts    to the development of the hard copy
        because they refer to different measures.               and online versions of this report:
                                                                Rene Cruz, Gavita Harris,
           For a complete listing of 2016 awards, go to         Wendy Patitucci, Renato Rodriguez,                             James Suarez, and Emily Wight.
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