Page 4 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 4

The Research Foundation of The City University of New York


          This  Annual  Report  is  more  than  just  a   Awards by Source and Purpose 2016
        collection of numbers that demonstrate how well   (slices denote dollar amount; values denote
        principal  investigators  have  done  in  a  particular   number of awards)
        year. It is also a collection of stories that provide
        the reader with an indication of the fascinating and    Research   Institutional Improvement
        inspiring work being carried out every day in the    Training     Equipment
                                                     Program Development
                                                                          Student Support Services
        areas of natural and social sciences, government
        services, job training, curriculum planning, assess-
        ment,  pedagogy,  program  evaluation,  media                       31
        production,  and  software  development  through-            24
        out The City University of New York. Likewise, it
                                                   Federal              27   389 Awards
        is  a  window  into  how  the  Research  Foundation                 $144.8 million
        works in partnership with CUNY and our other cli-                33            272
        ents to achieve important scientific, societal, and
        other breakthroughs that address challenges and
        advance knowledge.
           As  we  look  back  at  the  recent  accomplish-
        ments  of  those  we  have  the  privilege  to  serve,             48
        we  also  recognize  the  need  for  continuous
        improvement  so  that  principal  investigators  and                 170 Awards
        field employees can continue to prosper. At the   New York State  20  $49.4 million
        Research Foundation we are dedicating ourselves                                52
        to  providing  our  CUNY  colleagues  with  even                  27
        better experiences, whether it be with our staff or
        with our tools. New technologies make possible
        improvements  in  a  broad  array  of  services;  our
        renewed emphasis on customer service is a top to                    62
        bottom pledge to put our award recipients in the              1
        forefront of all our planning and operations.                   19   249 Awards
           In  the  past  year  alone  we  have  brought  new   New York City  $113.8 million
        systems online and others are in the pipeline, all              27
        designed  to  streamline  processing  of  everything                          116
        from  contracts  to  purchases  to  new  hires.  Our
        website  is  being  totally  revamped  to  facilitate
        quick  access  to  the  things  users  seek.  And  our
        Director  of  Customer  Service  Development  is                     99
        helping all Foundation professional staff provide                             456
        the highest level of support to the field.
           Here are just a few of the latest improvements   Private         1,029 Awards
                                                                            $131.1 million
        that  will  enhance  the  experiences  of  faculty  and         194
        staff on the campuses:                                                         147
        Peer Review
        Begun only a little more than a year ago, the Peer   (Excludes $42.3M in Manhattan District Attorney criminal justice
        Review  program  has  already  proven  its  value.  It   initiatives and $3.8M in PSC-CUNY)

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