Page 5 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 5

Government Awards by Source 2016           uses a web-based platform that provides support
                                                       to faculty and students to strengthen the content
                                                       and quality of their proposals before they are sub-
                                                       mitted to sponsors. The program is voluntary and
            Federal                                    has two components. The first component recruits
                                                       faculty to register as peer reviewers of proposals
              Department of Health and Human Services
              National Science Foundation              prepared by CUNY faculty that are ready for sub-
              Department of Education                  mission to external funding agencies. The second
              Department of Energy  24.6
              Department of Defense  2.9               component encourages faculty to submit propos-
              Department of Justice  3.1       46.3    als to be reviewed by their CUNY and/or external
              Department of Transportation
              Other              3.6  $144.8 million   peers prior to their submission to sponsors. The
                                 7.7                   process  will  boost  the  competitiveness  of  the
                                                       proposals  by  obtaining  feedback  on  proposal
                                                       strengths and weaknesses based on the sponsor’s
                                                       review criteria.
                                                         Hundreds  of  faculty  have  volunteered  their
                                                       services as peer reviewers and hundreds of award
                                                       proposals have been submitted to the system so
            New York State
                                                       that the peer reviewers can help their colleagues
              NYS Education Department
              NYS Office of Children and Family Services  strengthen their requests prior to formal submis-
              NYS Department of Transportation  444    sion to NIH and NSF. In the near future we plan
              NYS Department of Health  1.4            to expand the initiative to cover proposals to
              Other                    4.0
                                                       other sponsors.
                                                       Faculty Travel
                                     $49.4 million     In  partnership  with  CUNY,  we  continue  piloting
                                                       a  program  that  provides  travel  funds  to  faculty
                                                       so that they can engage in person with program
                                                       officers at funding agencies and decision makers
                                                       at private foundations. This will provide them with
                                                       invaluable insights into how funding decisions are
            New York City
                                                       made and will guide them in preparation of their
              NYC Human Resources Administration       proposals.
              NYC Department of Education
              NYC Center for Economic Opportunity        Following the first year of this initiative we
              NYC Department of Youth and Community Development  surveyed  all  the  individuals  who  have  been
              NYC City Council
               NYC Department of Health                supported by the program. All of the faculty that
             & Mental Hygiene                24.2      were  surveyed  felt  that  the  travel  helped  them
                                 39.0                  develop their grants. All of them either are devel-
                                                       oping, have developed, or submitted a proposal.
                                     $113.8 million    In fact, one of the faculty members has already
                                                18.8   been told that he is being funded. Based on these
                                   4.9                 results, we decided to continue the program for
                                     6.9    10.1       another year.

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